name:putri nur arina.LOVES my single ladies! LOVES chocolates.HOPES to get good results.WANTS to go on a holiday!!HAVE a great life ahead of her..
-Kak FiZz-
-Kak Zzal-
-Kak ZizyZieza-
-Kak MyraH-
title: Grown out of history.. Total awkward-ness haha...Its been like what? 4 months since I've updated or log into my blog and i can already see spider webs hanging at the corners of my screen haha.. right. I seriously have no idea what thought of mine led me into this part of a million other web pages. haha Boring~.....
Labels: living in the present? |
title: LOVE It has been a pretty long duration of time since I've blogged huh? Let's just say I'm tired of writing in my dear diary and just wanna express myself where I feel I can do so..can? Awkward.Okay, I just don't seem to understand guys.I dun get these other gender.(I'm repeating myself.) I'm just so frustrated of how some of them can just seem not to care about these kind of things.I don't get them! Definition of love? Being loved at first,getting hurt by the other person the next moment? Humans just don't seem to get tired of hurting others. Or its just probably humans are never fulfilled.:I Labels: pathetic people |
title: Bad flu...Go Away!! Shoo!! Hey people...Its been quite long since i've updated my blog... Due to down on immune system..well not really, just got a bad flu that's all. heheh=D Well, obviously i haven't not got a job and therefore i'm trying my luck in the entertainment industry. hahaha ! i noe. me?? haha unbelievable. Anyways, went to an audition yesterday with my dad and met a few familiar tv faces and i got hooked up for the audition too..ssscarry but hopefully worth it. So, i met up with my cousin and parents for the first time since the last time we saw each other that was like before the new year and all. Pretty long duration huh? we had a small picnic and we went cycling around PRP. And hell i was already pancit! before i reached to the other end... need to work all the pemalas-ness out of me man..hah But great fun was felt. =) Labels: Acting, like real only? |
title: Yeah my Life Hey! a new idea just came up. Okay, so instead of going to ITE, i had a discussion with mom.I asked if it was okay for me to just re take my math and not go to ITE. Meanwhile i can find a job rite? And i did found one when accompanying mom on an interview but just waiting for the right time to go interview.Yey for me! haha:) study and work part time. Its easier said than done though. Anyways,here's to my friend Ayin, you go girl haha! I'm here to help you if you need any help k babe? No worries. " If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you.You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.""" ~Mary Pickford Labels: SUCCEED SUCCEED SUCCEED SUCCEED |
title: No more tears only sweat.. I know what i said in my previous post. I've decided and I'm happy for myself. yey! for me! Even mom agreed. I'm learning to accept the fact that i suck at maths.Hence, you people will see me in ITE uniform but trust me, beneath that uniform there is the other side of me crying out to be heard.I'm going to change my future.Other than that, i'll be taking my private O level maths.Easy said than done but with patience, descipline and constant reminders, i hope i will make it.Insya'allah... After reading people blogs and hearing their experience.I've decided.Some went to the poly itself hoping to somehow get a place there but no luck.haizz...but reading their blogs really open my eye to how it seems that i'm not the only one crying my eyes out just cos i can't be the people whose seen walking around with their laptop bags and big architechural folders.I want to be one of them! And I will! (hehe...self encouragement lah..)Thnks to the people who have been there for me all this while.Not forgetting my ladies :) love u ladies a lot!! can't wait for our next outing..Also to those who are willing to help me to succeed.:) When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." Labels: I HAVE DECIDED |
title: stupid subject or stupid me? i want an invisibility blanket, the one that harry has. put my worries in it and just act as if nothing happened. urghh...decisions, decisions.... i hate it. so, my result was not as i expected. i realize my mistake.Overall this is what i got>>>>27 points!! F*ck.. If only i did well for that one subject, it will be a blast for me if i passed it and go into a poly. Even if its not a good course, but still!.. But what to do...u can change what has happened rite? its fate they call it.Now all i can do is apply for this and that and hopefully i get chosen for the interviews and get into a poly at least...Haixx...this feeling sucks man. so....yah. i dun feel like doing anything rite now. no mood. Labels: the four letter word: math |
title: poly open house cum 2010 !!!!!!!!Hey people!!!!!! i hope its not too late to say Happy New Year!!! ( yah! i noe its like late but better than nothing right?? heheh :P so, countdown was damn...monotonous. As usual, countdown bawah blk!! how EXCITING!!!! -_-"(hehe...but okay lah...then me and neighbours went to downtown to go bowling after tht.) Wow...2010 :) hmm....wondering if i should make myself a list of things to do or rather my GOALS for this year.Right maybe i'll just jot down a brief one. So, 2010 Goals: -get into polytechnic( but dad said if things were to go the other way instead of how i want it to be, then its okay..) -get license( achievable but nothing will work out when theres no "Fulus") -get new wardrobe(hopefully i do get into a poly!!!) -get a sneaker!( want it so badly but times r bad uh...any sponsors?? heheh) Okay, my minds gone all blank! hahah thts all i can think of.... (tapping fingers on lappy...) Then, recently me and ladies went for two poly open houses. Both Temasek and also Republic. Frankly speaking, i think Tp's open hs is so much damn god better uh.. Rp, waliao...its like walking in a zombieland.Differences?? Tp has all this crazy-ppl-screaming-at-top-of- their-lungs and ppl going crazee everywhere! while Rp, we went there and me and the ladies felt so invisible. haha Like no one came up to offer any help to us lost souls there. I swear from our god damn tired faces they should knew we were not students from their school.. The distance from one course to another is like soo!!!! Fucking Far uh! my kaki like wanna tercabot sia...But it was fun lah..then we took pictures.... Blah...Blah...Blah...... after tht ate donut blanj-ed by Demi and Meera, we went back. :) hehe done! :) Labels: No luck... |