name:putri nur arina.LOVES my single ladies! LOVES chocolates.HOPES to get good results.WANTS to go on a holiday!!HAVE a great life ahead of her..
-Kak FiZz-
-Kak Zzal-
-Kak ZizyZieza-
-Kak MyraH-
title: yey2 esok raye!!! yey! tomorrow raye! money3..hee=D(dun have the wrong thinking,im not so money-minded okay..)Now,im rebus-ing ketupat while listening to raye songs.Nasib2 dah anyam ketupat kene rebus..with no one helping me.well,of cos there were a few helps from my dad and all but now they're not at home so..home alone with 2 adks..
so,yest I didn't get to blog cos kak zal came over n she had to use the lappy and i was too tired to blog uh after making all those ketupats.. haha=) anyway, abt yesterday's paper..gosh! arghh! so irritating.. chem n phy was 50/50 but maths..(just talking abt it makes me pening..LOL) Sad, i didn't get to puase the last few days of ramadhan (red flag!!)=( okay, anyway, tadi while kak mira was wearing inai for my adk(nani),nani fell asleep!! hahaha!!!=D i soo can't wait for tomorrow uh..jalan2 raye.. hehe=) okay ppl..got to contd doing my stuff like rebs kets.( rebs kets means:rebus ketupat in some ppl language..) hahaha! Therefore, i would like to wish all to all SELAMAT HARI RAYA maaf zahir n batin..=) |
title: outing w/o dads.. hey there=)..today was quite a tiring day for all of us cos basically all of us had to clean and paint the house for hari raya..After doing so, we went out with our aunt n cousins to buka outside.And the best thing was..none of the dads were around.wee~ haha so we ate at afghan where we saw Shah iskandar. LOL-_-'' then, we went to TM and century square to buy my sis n kak zal's shoes for raye. and i swear that was soo damn tiring uh.. do nothing but follow them around.
Now back home..tired and bored.I'm so scared for tomorrow's paper and trying my best to concentrate on my studies but keep drooling on the book! haha..LOL of cos not lah..hahs its just so hard to keep my eyes open.I know i'm going to regret doing this one day.and so thats all for now.. i need sleep! tata ppl~... |
title: painful+boring saturday.. I can't seem to be able to sleep, so might as well revise rite? yah..so now revising while playing the lappy n also watching some teevee.. I really hope that i can make it to sec 5.haizz... Anyway,today is kak zal's bdae(cousin) so HAPPY B'DAE KAK ZAL!! haha! but what a pity, we didnt get to celebrate as our parents went to M'sia to get our Hari Raya clothes and the bdae girl went out to celebrate. so we spend the time at home doing nothing..total BOREDNESS.. Therefore to kill time, at around 9pm+ we(me,nani,adilah n caca)went downstairs to the playground.. quite fun! haha! we played a ''shark game''.haha! to think back abt it, it was quite funny though..But well, there is a kid in everyone rite?? hahaha! anyway, wondering why painful saturday?? well, most likely it was bcos of my stomach cramp. The pain was killing me! But a trip to the playground made me feel a lot better than before.so, i was actually very glad that i went to the playgound..haha!!LOL -_-''
So, that's all for now.. got to cont'd with my revision.. hm... BORING... i'll update my blog soon aite..anyway, 3 more days to raye!! yey3!!! hahaha! Bye ppl! |
title: Bad day to shop.. Hey..just got home from tamp.I got a MAJOR stomach ache through out the whole journey! Me and my family went there to buy my kasut raye..It was such a bad time to buy my kasut uh.. My head was spinning n i have no idea what i was looking at.. but since the fashion designer of the house(who is kak mira) said it was nice, i have no regrets choosing that shoe.Before that we went to buke at Swensen's YUMMY!! And guess what..at tamp i saw alyph and syarif from sleeq.They look different from how they look while performing or in the teevee uh.. Although they were standing rite in front of me..i took no notice cos the pain in my stomach was KILLING me man! haha=D now, im left all alone with my adiks (nani n mika) at home..while the rest went to Geylang.Im too tired lah.. Ookayy..thats it for now.. I need to continue studying!! (BORING!!!) tatas~ |
title: Credits 2 kak mira!!=) wow..this is like my first blog lah..haha cool or what! Btw people, please do ignore the previous post that was proudly done by my sister.haha! Anyway, credits to my sister 4 making my blog for me.I don't think there would be a blog without her help.Well, fyi i've finally made my decision to make a blog bcos i think that i can express myself easier this way..and since i have been reading quite a number of people's blogs might as well make one for myself right?? LoL. So, a bit of whats happening, i came back from school at ard 2pm.And that is like so siang uh.. Watched some teevee..now blogging n later at 6 fetching nani (my 4th sis) back from school which is very pathetic cos the school is right in front of the house..-_-''Then, get ready for buke..n STUDY!!! cos have to get ready for my coming papers which is like on the 29th..i hate how they schedule the papers! Cos guess what? we are having three!that's rite,three!! major papers on that day itself!(maths, chem, phy) That is sooo heavy lah..have to crack our brains everyday! agrh...well, N levels mah... like my dad always says..''Suffer first, enjoy later.." |
title: hello :D |